Assalamu alaikum warahmatulaahi Taalaah wabarkaatuhu.
▶Letters were sent by members of the organisation, Sisters Najat, Bushira and Ummu Khair to about 8 Islamic schools (Makaranta) to indicate the organisation’s interest to have mentoring sessions with their female students. Out of the schools, Maarkaz Ansaarudeen at Newtown agreed to have the organisation interact with their students. Arrangements made then focused on Maarkaz Answarudeen.
▶ The President of MMN, Sister Bilkis Nuhu Kokroko made arrangements for refreshment for 60 people which amounted to GHC250.00. The order was placed from Farash Professional Catering Services and consisted of fruit drinks and meat pie. The refreshment was financed by our Sister Rabiatu Ahmed Otoo.
▶One of our brothers who doesn’t want to be identified paid for a pull up (branding) as his contribution towards MMN.
▶ The President led discussions on the group page of MMN to have ten sisters facilitate the mentoring session at the school. A member of MMN, Miss Khadijah Abdul-Samed was tasked to deliver a presentation to the students. Arrangements were equally made for photography, T-shirt printing and programme assessment.
▶ The President was at the school by 9am. The venue had already been arranged by the students who were waiting for the team to do the mentoring session with them.
▶The President after realising the small number of girls present made quick arrangements with the management of Huda Islamic School in New Town to have their female students take part in the Mentorship session. This raised the number of girls mentored to 65.
▶The programme began at 10am exactly with the introduction of MMN and its purpose. A member of MMN, Sister Zarina spoke to the girls on career advancement and the need for them to dream big and believe in themselves. The main speaker for the event, Sister Khadijah, spoke to the girls on importance of Islamic education and western education. She made them understand that when they take both education seriously, they will be able to make good decisions in life as Muslim women.
▶After the speeches, group mentoring sessions were held for the girls. The groups were seven in number. A mentor was assigned to each group. Eight mentors were present for the session. The session officially closed at noon. There was a photography session and interactions afterwards.
▶The Mallams from both Madrasas were happy about the team’s visit to advice their girls on the importance of western education infused with Islamic education.
There was a special case of a girl who was at the Madrasah but was not attending any circular school. The President assigned Sister Khadijah to speak to the girl. After speaking with her, it was realised the girl had interest in attending school but circumstances at home were not making it possible for her to do so. She expressed interest in going back to school and wanted some books to read. The matter was reported back to the President for further deliberations.
▶ Using the girl’s complain as a case study, MMN should develop a manual that will provide a strategy for handling cases of such nature.
▶ There should also be a manual to guide how mentoring sessions are to be held at every school visit.
1. Bilkis Nuhu Kokroko
2. Khadijah Abdul- Samed
3. Hikmatu Iddrisu
4. Baraka Nurudeen
5. Zarina Amandi
6. Osumanu Nuratu
7. Alhassan Zainab
8. Nafisatu Mohammed