Muslimah Mentorship Network Executive Meeting, December 2018
Monthly Reports.
Girls in Muslim communities have been urged to uphold their self-esteem and exude confidence in their endeavors. Speaking on the theme “Self esteem, the Muslim girl’s shield in the 21st Century,” main speaker for the 3rd mentoring session of the Muslimah Mentorship Network, Madam Feruzah Salisu Wuniche made these remarks to girls of the Darul-Hijra…
She is a student of knowledge and a lover of books. Her love for research led her into academia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Ghana, a Masters in Human Resources Development at the Universiti Putra Malaysia, and a doctorate from the Universiti Teknologi Petronas, both in Malaysia. Sister…
Today marks the start of the 2019 BECE. Muslimah Mentorship Network believes your hardwork and discipline will see you through this exam successfully. Believe in yourself, follow the instructions on the exam paper and go make us proud. Best wishes! #Change #Empower #Inspire
Report by the President of Muslimah Mentorship Network, Bilkis Nuhu Kokroko on the Maiden Mentorship Session held on Saturday, 13th October, 2018. Assalamu alaikum warahmatulaahi Taalaah wabarkaatuhu. Pre-Event Planning ▶Letters were sent by members of the organisation, Sisters Najat, Bushira and Ummu Khair to about 8 Islamic schools (Makaranta) to indicate the organisation’s interest to…
Mentors present at the constitutional adoption…… #Mentorship #Change #Empower #Inspire #Muslimah
Guess where we celebrated World Menstrual Hygiene Day at? Pong-Tamale Senior High School. Thank you to Bilques Zakaria Atampuri for putting all this together. Thank you to our sponsors and financiers for believing in our vision to provide sanitary towels to young women across the country. Thank you, thank you, thank you. #WMD2019 #Menstruationmatters #Change…