On Sunday 6th January 2019, Feruzah Wuniche Salisu and Hikmatu Iddrisu revisited Badarul Muneer at Newtown to have a year review of our activity there.
We began the session by taking the girls through the agenda of Muslimah Mentorship Network and a recap of our mission there the last time.
There were thirty one girls present of which twenty of them were present at the first visit.
Miss Feruzah engaged the girls on the topic “Self Esteem” and the need for them as young Muslim girls to be confident in themselves and their identity wherever they may find themselves. She told them they were going to face challenges especially in their Hijabs.
Hikmatu also added the recent trending issue around hijab and the need for them to know that adorning their hijab is their right and freedom of religion and association as Ghanaians.
The team advised them on the need to be serious with their education because the community looks up to them.
Later the girls who weren’t present at the first visit wrote their names and aspirations down to be paired with Mentors.
They asked questions on the hijab issue and shared some experiences.
Generally, it was a great time re-visiting the girls and having conversations with them about their lives and struggles.
Feruzah Wuniche Salisu
Hikmatu Iddrisu