Pictures from the Peaceful walk regarding the constitutional rights of Muslim women in Ghana.
Discussion ongoing at Nujum Zaman. #Change #Empower #Inspire #Muslimah #mentorship
Deliberations ongoing as members go through the proposed constitution to make corrections and additions… #Mentorship #Change #Empower #Inspire #Muslimah
Report by the President of Muslimah Mentorship Network, Bilkis Nuhu Kokroko on the Maiden Mentorship Session held on Saturday, 13th October, 2018. Assalamu alaikum warahmatulaahi Taalaah wabarkaatuhu. Pre-Event Planning ▶Letters were sent by members of the organisation, Sisters Najat, Bushira and Ummu Khair to about 8 Islamic schools (Makaranta) to indicate the organisation’s interest to…
Today, March 15. Muslimah Mentorship Network held a Mentorship session at Tuba Islamic Senior High School. It was an exciting experience. We will update you soon. #Change #Empower #Inspire #Muslimah
Muslimah Mentorship Network (MMN) is organising a year-long campaign dubbed; “Share a Sanitary pad” with a girl. This is to make it easier for girls in urban communities to have easy access to sanitary pads for a stress-free menstruation. Sadly, a lot of girls are compelled to skip school during the period of their menstruation…
**Read in the name of your lord who has created you (Quran 96:1)** The Prophet Muhammad SAW said:** A father gives his child nothing better than an education **Whosoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise **No two things have been combined well better than…