About last Friday….…/persevere-despite-challenges-girl…/
About last Friday….…/persevere-despite-challenges-girl…/
Muslimah Mentorship Network (Mmn) held a Mentorship program at Ansarudeen Islamic school in Darkuman on the 27th of October 2019 under the subject ‘ Hijab an identity’. Young Muslim girls were educated about the Hijab,the rights regarding the Hijab and what the constitution says about their religion. The program commenced by the Moderator Saudey Kokroko…
**Read in the name of your lord who has created you (Quran 96:1)** The Prophet Muhammad SAW said:** A father gives his child nothing better than an education **Whosoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make easy for him a path to paradise **No two things have been combined well better than…
The Maiden Mentors’ Training Programme held on 26th January 2019 at the University of Professional Studies, Accra. Assalamu alaikum warahmatulaahi Taalaah wabarkaatuhu. 🎯Pre-Event Planning ▶A letter was sent to the mosque (Venue to be used for the gathering) at UPSA. ▶ The President of MMN, Sister Bilkis Nuhu Kokroko requested for snacks from two Members….
Happy World Menstrual Hygiene Day. #MHD19 #MHDay2019
Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’oun (We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return) (Q2;156) May Allah make her grave a place of comfort and light. May He make the questioning in the grave easy for her. May Allah s.w.t. in His mercy, grant her rest, may her grave be a…
She is a student of knowledge and a lover of books. Her love for research led her into academia. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Ghana, a Masters in Human Resources Development at the Universiti Putra Malaysia, and a doctorate from the Universiti Teknologi Petronas, both in Malaysia. Sister…